Polish-Ukrainian Day Llanelli

Sunflowers Wales proudly participated in the Polish-Ukrainian Day Llanelli.

Polish-Ukrainian Day Llanelli was organized on 13 May 2023 by Llanelli Multicultural Network - LMCN with the support by a few Polish charities at the Selwyn Samuel Centre in Llanelli.

Our Taste of Ukraine stall with Ukrainian food and souvenirs was a highly popular place for the event guests. Our Sunflowers dancing group presented three authentic Ukrainian dances; it was also a great opportunity to enjoy the music and singing of Lisa and Kate Kaliianova and their unique Ukrainian instrument bandura.

A huge thank you to all our beautiful Ukrainian ladies for making this possible! See below a Youtube video-report about the event.

A heartfelt thank you to the organizers for giving us the opportunity to present a snapshot of the Ukrainian culture! Thank you, Joanna Drozdek, Paolo Piana, Ann Evans, Llanelli CommunityPartnership, and Llanelli Multicultural Network - LMCN! We hope we made the festival even more colourful!

We raised over £430!

Dziękujemy! Diolch! Thank you!

Sunflowers Wales - Standing Strong Together!
