Ukrainian culture Festival in Gloucester

It was an absolutely amazing day in Gloucester!

Sunflowers Wales was invited for the opening day of a two-week festival celebrating Ukrainian culture, held at the Folk of Gloucester Museum.

Our dancing group, along with bandura players and singers, performed at three locations: the museum’s backyard, on Southgate St, and in the square near the tremendous Gloucester Cathedral.

We were warmly welcomed by local people and tourists; it was a big pleasure to perform in such a nice and friendly environment!

We were honored to meet and take photos with the Mayor and Sheriff of Gloucester.

It was also wonderful to meet other Ukrainians living in the UK, from Lancashire to Bristol.

After the performances, we took a guided tour of the Cathedral, which cleverly combined Harry Potter highlights with its rich history, entertaining both adults and children!

And finally, we enjoyed a truly delicious Ukrainian borscht at the Folk Museum cafe! It was incredible, especially considering that the local chef learned the recipe just the day before the event!

Many thanks to Robin Burton and Vera Stadon Postavska for inviting us and for their support!

And, of course, many thanks to everyone who made this long and lovely day possible: our dancers and singers; Neil Keogh, Nataliya McDyer, Svetlana Lilley, and Bohdana Bahlay for their help with transportation and logistics; and, of course, our children, who meticulously distributed our flyers and collected money on the streets of Gloucester 🙂

The first day of the Festival was well covered in media.

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Gloucester 2024Gloucester 2024
Gloucester 2024
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Oksana Shapovalova
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